1 Novembre 2014

Morte di Stefano Cucchi imputata al Sionismo



In Italy the power is in the hands of the zionist

L’attivista antisionista Samantha Comizzoli il primo di novembre ha pubblicato sul suo profilo Facebook un commento dedicato alla morte di Stefano Cucchi (un giovane morto in ospedale in circostanze sospette) in cui ne imputa la morte e la mancanza di giustizia in Italia al Sionismo:

“For my international and palestinians friends: this boy was in prison in Italy, the police has beated him and the doctor they didn’t save him. They didn’t give him no one glass of water…so he his died. Yesterday the court says with a sentence that they are all innocent and Stefano Cucchi (the boy) has died for a natural death. This, unfortunately, is not the only one in Italy. So..you must know that in Italy the power is in the hands of the zionist: banks, hospital, court, government.”

Samantha Comizzoli è spesso protagonista di polemiche a sfondo antisionista-antisemita.