31 Luglio 2017

Frase antisemita in un articolo del domenicale britannico Sunday Times


Corriere della Sera, The Times

«Bbc, ebree le donne più pagate»

Il «Sunday Times» ritira l’articolo

Il domenicale britannico Sunday Times si è scusato per aver pubblicato un editoriale considerato «antisemita» e ha rimosso l’articolo dal sito online. Nel pezzo, firmato da Kevin Myers (non nuovo a polemiche per il suo linguaggio colorito), si fa riferimento alla recente diatriba sulla disparità nei compensi tra uomini e donne della Bbc, sottolineando che «due tra le presentatrici meglio pagate, Claudia Winkleman e Vanessa Feltz, sono ebree». L’editorialista poi aggiunge, sarcastico: «Gli ebrei non sono noti per svendere il proprio talento a poco prezzo».

Sunday Times apologises for antisemitism

The Sunday Times has apologised and said it abhors antisemitism after a columnist for its Irish edition provoked controversy with comments on highprofile women working at the BBC. Kevin Myers noted that Claudia Winkleman and Vanessa Feltz, two of the corporation’s best-paid female presenters, were Jewish, in an article on the row over its gender pay gap. Martin Ivens, editor of The Sunday Times, said that the remarks in yesterday’s Irish edition were unacceptable and should not have been published. “It has been taken down [online], and we sincerely apologise, both for the remarks and the error of judgment that led to publication,” he added. Myers wrote: “Good for them [the presenters]. Jews are not generally noted for their insistence on selling their talent for the lowest possible price, which is the most useful measure there is of inveterate, lost-with-all-hands stupidity.” He also argued that men usually worked harder, got sick less frequently and seldom got pregnant. Frank Fitzgibbon, editor of The Sunday Times Ireland, said: “As the editor of the Ireland edition, I take full responsibility for this error of judgment This newspaper abhors antisemitism and did not intend to cause offence to Jewish people.”