27 Gennaio 2012

Report del Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ) sull’antisemitismo in Francia nel 2011


The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism - www.antisemitism.org.il

The statistical figures for 2011 on antisemitic acts committed in France

SPCJ released today, the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, the statistical figures for 2011 on antisemitic acts committed in France.

In total, 389 actions have been perpetrated in France in 2011.

These figures come from the official census carried out by SPCJ’s victim assistance department, which acts in close cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior.

This balance reflects a decrease of 16.5% in comparison with the previous year.

However, a closer examination reveals that the number of “violent actions” is similar to the figures of 2010, with a worrisome increase in the level of violence.

We welcome the resoluteness of the police to identify, to detain and to prosecute the perpetrators this year.

Our concern about the prevention and education remains the same.

It’s particularly urgent to arouse the attention of young people to the risks stemming from racial hatred, since some of them tend to adopt Antisemitic talk.