21 Dicembre 2022

Nuovo report sull’antisemitismo pubblicato dall’ufficio di Lord Mann, consigliere indipendente sull’antisemitismo del governo britannico.



Anti-Jewish Hatred Tackling Antisemitism in the UK 2023 – Renewing the Commitment

“The Office of HM Government’s Independent Adviser on Antisemitism was established to provide independent advice to the Government on issues relating to antisemitism in the UK and the most effective methods to combat it.
This evidence-based report could not have been produced without the valuable insights andexpertise set out in the written submissions from governments, organisations and individuals across the UK (see Annex A). Further contributions were gathered from face-to-face and online meetings.
The chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism and its members
continue to offer me important advice which has helped inform the contents of the report.
This report is based on extensive research carried out by Aidan Relf.

Purpose of the report

The ground-breaking reports of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism in 2006 and 2015 led to effective actions being introduced to combat antisemitism in the UK and abroad and in some cases highly effective actions. The first purpose of this report was to gather views on which recommendations of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) have made a significant impact and where more work is needed.
This Office was also keen for those submitting evidence to share examples of good practice in tackling antisemitism which could be included in this report to promote their wider adoption.
Further reasons behind the report were the record number of antisemitic hate incidents
reported in 2021 and 2022, the changed political landscape on both the left and right sincethe 2015 APPG report and the growth of alternative social media platforms.
With the input of expert witnesses from across the UK, it was important to draw up
a fresh set of recommendations on how best to respond to these developments.
These aims have been fulfilled. In addition to the 10 main recommendations,
each section of the report ends with a set of more detailed calls for action.”