6 Giugno 2012

The annual report on antisemitism symptoms in the Czech Republic – 2011


www.antisemitism.org.il - The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

The annual report on anti-Semitisms symptoms in 2011 (the “Report”) has been prepared by the


Security Department of the Jewish Community of Prague (the” SB”) for the internal needs of the


Jewish community of Prague (the “JCP”) and other Jewish communities in the Czech Republic (the


“CR”), but also for the needs of other institutions processing the data on anti-Semitism. The report


aims to provide a comprehensive image of the state of anti-Semitism related to manifestations of


extremism, the overall mood in the society concerning anti-Semitism and to deliver not only the


necessary data, but also their analysis, which may explain the trends of 2011 and to predict future


developments. The report also compares current trends in anti-Semitism to previous years.


The report consists of several parts. The first one is a list of anti-Semitic incidents. SB considers such


an act as anti-Semitic incident that is directed against members of the Jewish community, Jewish


organizations or Jewish property, for which it is clear that the incident has anti-Semitic motivation or


the victim of the incident was intentionally selected for his/her Jewishness (including alleged one).


Anti-Semitic incidents can take various forms: attacks on property or physical or verbal attacks. More


detailed categorization of individual anti-Semitic acts or articles are described below. All incidents


and manifestations listed below and described as anti-Semitic meet the definition of anti-Semitism


given further in the text.


The report is intended for the needs of JCP and other Jewish organizations; its version for public


contains the general anti-Semitic incidents and lists of articles. The details concerning the anti-


Semitic incidents are intentionally omitted, in order to protect victims, their privacy and dignity.


The data used in the annual report come from several sources: from those who have become


subjects to anti-Semitic incidents, from Czech Jewish organizations and communities, published


documents and analyses of other organizations and state institutions, from open sources – both from


the mainstream media and the websites, and finally from forums of the monitored organizations


themselves. All analyses included in the report are based on these data.


Besides the lists of anti-Semitic acts and articles, the report also contains analyses of individual


phenomena and groups relevant to the topic of anti-Semitism and Jewish communities in the


country. These analyses do not only deal with purely anti-Semitic incidents, but also describe other


manifestations of extremism, hatred against minorities, the government’s attitude to this topic and


the overall atmosphere in society. The analyses are made on the basis of the same information as


data on the antisemitic incidents.